Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why Can't I Be Faithfull?

To a God who has changed me,
And lights up my way,
Why cant I be faithful
And pray every day?

To a God who is holy
In whom mercy begins,
Why cant I be faithful
And turn from my sins?

To the God of the ages
Who is King of all Kings,
Why cant I be faithful
And obey him in all things?

To the God of Mt Zion
Before whom strongholds crumble,
Why cant I be faithful
And walk modest and humble?

To my God and my Father
The all consuming fire,
Why cant I be faithful
And stand under fire?

To my God and my rock
Who provides from above,
Why cant I be faithful
And give freely with love?

But my God the Most High
In his strength and his grace,
Forgives me my weakness
When I don't keep the pace.

Though not always faithful
My heart cries for him,
When I’m burdened with sorrow
And out on a limb.

For my God is faithful
When I stumble and fail,
His love gives me hope
When I’m feeble and frail.

Although it our nature to be unfaithful that doesn't give us an excuse to deliberately be unfaithful and expect God to forgive us. We all, as a body have to learn that through the good and the bad God requires us to be faithful to him in all aspects. But it is very comforting to know that if we do stumble and fail he is always faithful to forgive us. If it is good enough for God to be faithful to his wayward creations, then it is good enough for us to concentrate our efforts on being faithful to him.

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