Monday, June 21, 2010

Who Took Christ Out Of Christmas

As I walk down the street I see tinsel and bells,
The stores are all open and packed with shoppers,
The prices are high, all marked up to sell,
Never mind what is right or what’s wrong.

As I walk down the path, I see reindeer and sleigh,
They’re strung up on wires and bright with lights,
Yet underneath a trees boughs, a family lays,
Their home is the street, their roof is the night.

As I walk through the city I see Santa and Elves,
So jolly and fat with twinkling eyes,
But caring and love at Christmas have been shelved,
In a society where greed and pride is on the rise.

As I walk up the alley I hear Carolers sing,
Their voices are sweet with their message of peace,
But what comfort will singing or happy words bring,
As the crime rate grows higher and the victims increase.

As I look in the Church, I see people in prayer,
All looking solemn and dressed in their best,
But at the end of the season, will they still care,
Or will the suit go in mothballs and their praises go west.

As I watch the TV I hear the networks best wishes,
They say “Merry Christmas” and wish us all well,
Yet they serve filth and garbage on cathode ray dishes,
And provide the material to send us to hell.

I see Christmas Trees raised in the neighbors yards,
And festive light displays for all to see,
But Christmas for some is a time thats too hard,
There’s no money for puddings or presents under trees.

Christmas these days is a drain on the purse,
The meaning has gone and the reason forgotten,
For many the season is not a blessing, but a troublesome curse,
The world’s killed their joy and made Christmas time rotten.

We should turn our eyes back to the bright shining star,
On the night the world changed forever,
And remember how wise men and shepherds came from afar,
And Satan’s hold over man was severed.

A great gift was given, from God to mankind,
The gift of salvation was ours for the taking,
So if Christ is put back into Christmas we’ll find,
That a solution for strife’s in the making.

Please don’t let Christmas become a burden or a humbug to in your house. Even if you cant afford all the things that the world says you should have at Christmas, as a family you can still celebrate the most important gift ever given. If Satan can use the ways of the world and the pride of life to rob you of the joy that is yours in salvation, he has accomplished a small victory and will laugh at your misery. This world is self destructing saints. It is evident in the state of things around us. Even those who are lost know that there is something wrong with the world today. Always make sure that Christ is the focus of your Christmas and indeed every day of the year and if we take steps to pass the Word of God into the lives of others, then maybe a lot more people will be able to enjoy Christmas instead of dreading another Xmas.

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