Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Lord

I liken the Lord to a pillar of steel,
Foundations immovable and strong.
For his coverage and favour I have a great zeal,
For his presence and touch I long.

I liken the Lord to a mountain range,
Who’s contours fill the sky.
Always in place and unlikely to change,
Stability and grace that pleases the eye.

I liken the Lord to the golden Sun,
Forever to pour fourth light.
To his radiant face I wait to run,
In his mystery and power I delight.

I liken the Lord to the mineral spring,
Soothing and refreshing.
Sustainer of life, creations King,
My thirst is never ending.

I liken the Lord to the crashing wave,
That splinters drowns and erodes.
His anger and vengeance he will save,
For those walking the unrighteous road.

I liken the Lord to a whistling gale,
That rips and tears asunder.
His retribution is swift and without fail,
All evil he will plunder.

I liken the Lord to a tropical storm,
Thunder and lightning that strikes.
Hitting at those who fail to conform,
Blowing them out of their Nike’s.

I liken the Lord to the Headsman’s axe,
Sharp and unrelenting.
Descending on wolves travelling in packs,
Slicing through those not repenting.

But my view of the Lord may differ from yours,
Opinions are many and vary.
Weather free in the Spirit or bound by laws,
Be watchful, alert and wary.

For all the love, mercy, grace and guidance the Lord gives us, he is also capable of wrath and vengeance, not only against sin and wickedness but also against his people if it is due. Pray that we will always have favour in our God’s sight.

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