Monday, June 21, 2010

Goodbye Bad Things

I’m here to tell you folks that Jesus takes away my sin,
But there’s lots of things that he’s still working on.
But since he’s come into my life I’ve said goodbye to lots of things,
And he’s taught me to discern right from wrong.

Gone are the days of drugs and the long nights of booze,
And I finally gave away the filthy smokes.
No more girlie books and no more X rated videos,
And I’ve turned away from telling dirty jokes.

I’ve thrown out the heavy metal and burnt the worldly books,
I’m no longer a great fan of Rodney Rude.
I don’t steal and I don’t gamble, adultery’s gone for good,
And I’m no glutton who stuffs his face on mounds of food.

I’ve shunned Dungeons and Dragons and now I never curse or swear,
And I no longer take my God’s name in vain.
I don’t worship graven idols or covet worldly goods,
And I’m no longer thinking with a perverted brain.

I’ve finished telling lies and I’d never murder or maim,
And I’ve learned to keep my anger well in check.
I’ll keep on the narrow path and listen for my Lord’s voice,
And grace will lead me home without spot or speck.

When the Lord begins his work in you it is ongoing through all your life. The new creation that takes over from and continually fights with your old man, (sin nature), is a work that is constantly being improved upon. As God becomes the focus of our lives a lot of the bad things we have taken pleasure in all those years away from him, start to dissapear. But as we are not perfect, nor ever will be, we struggle with things that by our very nature are good to us but are not good for us. Let Jesus do his work and let grace cover our failures during the process.

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