Monday, June 21, 2010

The Chosen Few

So many are lost and can’t find their way,
All they have is a life of sin.
They have no way to fill the hole in their hearts,
And no idea where to begin.

There are people who pace the streets in the night,
And sell of themselves to survive.
They are used and abused, by society ignored,
But a loving God knows they’re alive.

There are people who live under cardboard roofs,
With nothing to call their own.
People see through them, they do not exist,
But in Heaven, their plight is known.

There are people who steal and rob by force,
Because one cannot live without dough.
They’ll survive at the expense of society at large,
But the Lord of all sees their woes.

There are people who live for the high of the fix,
Chemistry’s hope for the fallen.
From flophouse to clinic they go through life,
But their names the Lord Jesus is calling.

Then there’s those who seek love in the arms of a child,
Consumed by the fires of desire.
People are quick to condemn and harass,
But their Creator wants to raise them higher.

Then there’s those who depend on the bottle for hope,
Under the influence, all pain is distant.
Night follows day but each one is the same,
But God’s love for them is strong and insistent.

Then there’s those in despair, who don’t want to live,
Life is just not worth the trouble.
But if they seek Heaven and Lord of the Hosts,
His blessing will come on them double.

Then there’s those who are lazy, slothful and idle,
To them work is foreign, unknown.
They go through a life of indulgence and leisure,
But from Jesus Christ mercy is shown.

No matter how bad you are, or how bad your sin,
Forgiveness is there to be had.
Look up to the Lord and he’ll look back at you,
And your spirit will dance and be glad.

So give him your heart and he’ll do his work,
He’ll change you and make something new.
But remember your past so your heart will know,
That your now one of the chosen few.

Jesus is available to all people no matter how bad the deeds of their flesh may be. Remember that God can make the least into the greatest and quite often, it is the reformed sinner that makes the most dogged servant. I will always wonder at the miracle of salvation and the changes that come with it. It is an experience I would like to see others share, no matter what their past may be.

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