Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mystery Babylon

The woman rides high on the back of the beast,
With confidence brimming she’s a champion of deceit,
Innocent blood clings accusingly to her hands and feet,
The riches and powers of the world are her meat.

In garments of purple surrounded with gold,
A story of treacherous greed goes untold,
For the faith and trust of her followers are sold,
By men who speak holy with hearts dead and cold.

A history is claimed of Apostolic succession,
But corruption and war show her true direction,
An air of nobility awash with deception,
Political intrigue too complex to mention.

How many are tortured and killed for her needs,
How many left homeless and broke by her deeds,
And all of the while she gloats as they plead,
For bloodshed feeds power and possession feeds greed.

Get out of her friends, I say to you folks,
There’s no time for arguments, debates or jokes,
Your the victims of yet another satanic hoax,
Break free from religion and cast off your yolks.

Torture, murder , theft and intrigue all in the name of Christ. No wonder the Apostle John was amazed when he received the revelation of the whore of Babylon. For the better part of two thousand years she has sat in her city of seven hills doing what she does best; deceiving the hearts and minds of innocent people and amassing earthly wealth that is beyond the comprehension of even the richest person. Oh how the millions of martyrs will rejoice at her fall. If you are a part of this continuance of the Roman empire, I beg you to study the history of the so called church you belong to and judge for yourself the despotic, totalitarian past and present it has not, and will not repent of. I also ask you to read REV 18:4 which says in regard to the whore: “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.” No wonder that no Bible is to be found in the Roman church service, it portrays the doom of it’s existence and stands as a constant rebuke to the deeds of those who rule over her.

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