Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ecumenical Highway

The time is approaching, the moment is near,
The signs are upon us, the pattern is clear.
A world wrapped in turmoil and battered with strife,
Seeks a future of peace as the nations unite.

Powers seek to put cultural differences aside,
And take differing faith and beliefs in their stride.
It doesn't matter which God, because they’re one and the same,
Just as long as you worship, you’re a part of the game.

Whether New Age or Buddhist, Muslim or Baptist,
Whether Salvo or Pagan, Hindu or Satanist.
Whether Mormon or Wicca, Anglican or Catholic,
Make one big happy family of religious magic.

Whether Zoroastrian or Jewish, Druid or Adventist,
Whether Shinto or Confucianist, Hare Krishna or Methodist.
Whether Jehovah's Witness or Moony, Scientologist or Voodoo,
Mixed neatly together in a spiritual stew.

This message of peace and tolerance for all,
Sounds good to a world that has taken a fall.
Dissenters are gathered and methodically killed,
To appease the False Prophet ruling on seven hills.

And who are those killed who dare to dissent,
These ones who are calling the world to repent.
These ones who are preaching the Gospel of light,
The Christians who know that God’s Word is right.

But one cannot stop a predestined plan,
That’s been on the cards since before time began.
Religions must join in Ecumenical sin,
For the glorious reign of the Lord to begin.

You only have to look around today to see that the world is becoming more and more liberal and tolerant with each passing day. Things which may have been inconceivable and contemptible 20 years ago are becoming accepted as common practices these days. The acceptance of all religious faiths and the push to gather under one world banner is the perfect example of the enemies deceit and eagerness to drag the inhabitants of this world to the pit with him. Only those of us who rely on the Word of God for our direction will be apart from this Satanic religious system and as such, targets. We must ensure the message of the Lord reaches as many people as possible before this system is implemented.

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