Monday, November 1, 2010

The Ocular Lumberjack

As I walk along life’s long winding track, I often see passersby alone or in packs,
Some walking right with head held high, some stumbling blindly with a twig in their eye.
So I notice that twig how it’s blocking their sight, so I interfere and grab on to them tight,
I fuss and I point, try to show them the way, I’ll offer advice, listen and pray.
I bless them and send them and wish them God Speed, still stumbling and falling and much in need.

I’m scratching my head at this puzzling plight, why can’t these people get their life right,
Why don’t they listen to my intelligent words, why does my sown seed become food for the Birds?
How can they continue the way they are going, blindly searching to-ing and fro-ing?
But The Lord interferes and gives me a teaching, shows me something deep and far reaching,
It’s something I needed badly to know, something only Jesus himself could show.

All of a sudden I just couldn’t see, except for the trunk of a really big tree,
Like standing in jungle, oppressive and dark, so now I’m the one stumbling all over the park.
My vision was filled with logs thick and thin, I could see nothing else, no light could get in,
I walked into walls and fell into holes, tripped over on rocks and ran into poles.
And after a while I’d just had enough, I cried out for help, seems I wasn’t so tough,

Then there stood The Lord who gave me an axe, he said “Get busy cutting son”, I swear that’s a fact,
So I started chopping and did what I was told, and one by one those trees started to fold.
I could first see a little and then a bit more, which made me chop faster than I did before,
And finally clear vision was rewarded to me, I’d done the hard work “I can see, I can see”.
Now maybe my way will be clear so that I, can assist others with a twig in their eye!!!

Just when you think you are doing alright in life and you have it all figured out the Lord is there to teach you a lesson you badly needed. God is Good folks. Get to work on those Logs and you will see clearly to assist your Brother or Sister with their twigs. It’s just as well wood chopping is a popular Australian sport!